Wednesday, August 9, 2017

St. Louis, Gateway to the West

Today's Travel: Hebron KY to Wentzville, MO= 395 miles
TRIP TOTAL= 1,190 miles

Our first glimpse of the Gateway Arch in St. Louis, Missouri

Here I am, the classic shot with the Arch.

Jesse with the Arch. Is it just me, does that cloud look like a dove flying behind the Arch?
I didn't notice the dove cloud until I arrived at our motel and downloaded the pictures. I take it as a symbol of God's blessings over us today. We left Petersburg, KY with no reservations for a motel tonight, but prayed that God would supply that need. I wanted two things in St.Louis: a picture with the Arch and St. Louis barbeque. We arrived in St. Louis about 3:30 PM and took a wrong turn trying to get to the Arch. We almost literally ended up on the wrong side of the tracks. However, we found a parking garage near to the Arch and got these great pictures! Then we hopped back into the car and back onto 64 West. Well, by this time it was rush hour, and traffic on 64 was just like any traffic on the Schuylkill or 95 back in Philly. I gave up hope for getting BBQ and just kept driving until we reached the cornfields again. Jesse & I were both exhausted, so when we saw a Super 8 at the junction of 64 & 70, we pulled in. Wouldn't you know, right across the parking lot was this BBQ restaurant, which served take- out (and catering). I got 2 beef BBQ meals to go. Jesse ate his with Memphis sauce, and declared it delicious. I had mine with St. Louis Sweet and Smokey. It was God's way of blessing me with BBQ! 

Our BBQ blessing.
FUN FACT: Jesse downloaded 88 albums for our road trip playlist. We have everything from Celtic ballads to rock, to the Beach Boys. Today our selection was country music to compliment our geography today.
Today's Treasure: Ordinary Blessings. Like our BBQ, look for small blessings the Lord sends you that seem ordinary, but encourage you through the day. 

1 comment:

Was it worth it?

Have passport, will travel!      After I posted about the Eclipse on facebook, a friend commented, "Was it worth it?"      ...